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French Courses

FRH 216: Literature and Culture: “Francophone Women Writers”

MWF 10-10:50 / Prof. Mann / Prerequisite: FRH 212, 213, or 214

In this course, we will explore women’s works produced in the 20th and into the 21st century across the Francophone world. The concept of alterity will guide us as we travel to the five major continents of our planet seeking out the meaning of what it means to be a Woman today in all of her diverse contexts: the personal, the political, the social and the cultural. By studying the voices– what they say and how they say it– we will begin to hear and appreciate the truly cacophonic harmony that l’écriture féminine provides to our ever-changing world.

*Did you know? You can repeat FRH 216 once for credit when topics vary

FRH 319: Grammar & Composition

MWF 11-11:50 (Section A) 12-12:50 (Section B) / Prof. McNelly / Prerequisite: FRH 200-level or equivalent

This course solidifies your foundation of grammar and supports your integration of rules and structures in your writing. You will gain deeper knowledge of grammar by focusing on topics on a detailed level which, in turn, will afford you greater control over writing skills. At the same time, the writing component in this course is designed to reinforce your control of grammar: putting your ideas into words and creating your own sentences is the best way to memorize and master grammar rules. Whether you are moving towards upper-division courses, preparing for study abroad, or returning from abroad, this course will increase your accuracy in French.

FRH 330: French for Management

MW 12:30-1:45 / Prof. Vincent / Prerequisite: FRH 319 or 329 or POI

What communication skills do you need to become an effective leader or manager in the Francophone context? This class will develop your ability to write and speak in a range of professional contexts with attention to cultural nuance. Through analysis of case studies and current events, you will hone your ability to analyze information, explicate a point of view, present your ideas, and persuade others. Class topics may include diplomacy and negotiation, entrepreneurship, human resources, marketing, and French for medical and humanitarian purposes. This course will also prepare you for the Business French Certificate exam (Diplôme de Français Professionnel – Affaires), administered by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris-Île-de-France. Successful completion of this exam will certify your Business French competency according to internationally recognized European Union standards.

FRH 360: Cinema and Society

TR 2-3:15 / Prof. Anthony / Prerequisite: FRH 216 or 315 or POI

Paris, 1895: Art meets technology and the moving picture is born. Within a decade, cinema would take us on a magical trip to the moon. How did early filmmakers develop the language of cinema and how has it evolved in recent years? How do we interpret themes and ideas presented in a film and what do they reveal about the world depicted on screen and the society in which the film was made? In this course, we will consider film as both art and artifact. We will study the early history of filmmaking in France, major movements in French cinema including Poetic Realism and the French New Wave, and influences and innovations in a selection of recent French and Francophone films. In addition to developing skills in basic film analysis using a specialized vocabulary, students will increase their vocabulary and hone listening comprehension skills by watching and studying films. Students will improve speaking and writing skills through class discussion and a series of short assignments.

FRH 363: French and Francophone Poetry

MWF 11-11:50 / Prof. Murphy / Prerequisite: FRH 216 or 315 or POI

We will explore in depth the poetry of men and women writing in different historical periods, places, poetic forms, and voices. Three areas that we will pay particular attention to are poetic rhythm, the difference between lyric and narrative verse, and the relationship of poetry with music. Students will learn not to be afraid of poetry (in case they are now)! They will develop their reading, speaking, and writing skills through close attention to poems as language, through expressing insights and problems in class, and through research projects that will take the form of both written papers and presentations in class.

French in Translation Courses

FRT 210: French-Language Literature in Translation: “Between Africa and France: Contemporary Francophone Literature of Migration and Displacement”

MW 2-3:15 / Prof. Tarte

In 2010s Paris, undocumented immigrants work as security guards in Sephora on the Champs-Élysées and offer witty observations of Parisian shoppers and of their own situation. A young boy in Senegal dreams of joining his sister in France and becoming a famous soccer player. In post-WWII Morocco, two French-Moroccan newlyweds face domestic challenges that are mirrored by the country’s tensions between French colonists and Moroccan citizens. In these stories and others, contemporary Francophone writers explore the lives of Africans at home and abroad. In this discussion-based course, we will read and analyze books (in English translation) by French-language writers whose works and lives move between Africa and France. Together, we will examine themes such as migration and displacement, the situation of the post-colonial immigrant in contemporary France, family and coming-of-age, and identity.

*Please note: FRT 210 fulfills the WFU Division II (Literatures) requirement. All French in Translation (FRT) courses are taught in English and do not count towards the French Studies major or minor