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FRT 210: Culture on the Move in Global Francophone Cities

MW 2-3:15 / Prof. Tierney

French-speaking cities are among the world’s most vibrant of modern metropolises. From the evolution of movements like Surrealism and the French New Wave in 20th-century Paris, to the current emergence of Dakar as a global art capital, these cities throughout the francosphère have been, and remain, dynamic sites of social, political, and cultural flux. In this course, we will explore intersections of culture and movement in francophone cities around the planet. Engaging primarily with films and literary texts—accompanied by other media like photographs and graphic novels, we will navigate cities such as Montreal, Port-au-Prince, Paris, Dakar and Hanoi, among others.

Please note: this course is not part of upper-level courses in French Studies. It is taught in English and fulfills Division II requirements.