Guillaume Coly

Assistant Professor
Greene Hall 549
Guillaume Coly received his Ph.D. in Comparative literature from the University of South Carolina. His research interests include Contemporary Francophone West African cinema, Diasporic Cinema, Postcolonial Theory, and Third Cinema. Dr. Coly has taught courses across all undergraduate levels at the Catholic University of West Africa, in Senegal, and at the University of South Carolina.
FRH 111: Elementary French
FRH 113: Intensive Elementary French
FRH 154: Accelerated Intermediate French
FRH 212: Exploring the French and Francophone World
FRH 216: Studies in French and Francophone Literature and Culture: “Worlds in Movement”
FRH 361: Special Topics in French and Francophone Film Studies: “Entre deux mondes: Liminality and Identity in Contemporary African Cinema”