Ten students standing together on a hill overlooking the beautiful French countryside

Study Abroad for Students of French

WFU Programs in France

The Department of French Studies, supported by WFU Global Programs and Studies, directs two faculty-led programs in France: Dijon (fall semester) and Tours (summer). Hundreds of Wake Forest alumni participated in these programs, where they encountered new global perspectives and developed intercultural skills, gained independence and autonomy, and enhanced their French language abilities.

The dual-track Tours program, founded in 2008, attracts students completing the basic requirement as well as French Studies majors and minors. The Dijon program, which celebrated its 50th year in 2022, is designed for students who have completed the basic requirement in French and want to earn 15 credits towards the French Studies major or minor.

Both programs feature homestays with French families, excursions to a variety of regions in France, and language courses with other international students – experiences that alumni continue to treasure years later!

Non-WFU programs

Students who wish to study in a French-speaking country on an affiliate (non-WFU) program should contact the Center for Global Programs and Studies.

Fall Program in Dijon, France

Full-semester Immersion for Advanced French Students

Students who want to complete a French Studies major or minor – often along with another major, including in Business or the Sciences – find the Dijon program the perfect fit! Dijon is the ideal location for students who want to live in a bustling, medium-sized city and to immerse themselves in French language and culture for a full semester.

The course taught by the WFU resident professor includes excursions – ranging from 3 to 10 days – to Provence, Burgundy, Normandy, the Loire Valley, and Paris. Students find that these trips bring to life the history and culture they’re studying.

At the Centre International d’Études Françaises, the language institute on the campus of the University of Burgundy, students take classes with other international students. Wake Forest students also study contemporary French culture and French art with local professors.

Dijon Courses:

  • FRH 350: Studies in French Language and Culture (taught by the WFU professor) [6 credits]
  • FRH 351: Advanced Oral and Written French [4 credits]
  • FRH 352: Contemporary France [3 credits]
  • FRH 353: Studies in French Art [2 credits]

    All Dijon courses count towards the French Studies major and minor.
Old homes in Dijon

Living in Dijon was not only a highlight as a French student, but one of the most memorable experiences of my life so far. I grew so much as a person and as a student – it was truly an exceptional and unforgettable experience.

Kate Dougherty, fall 2018 Dijon program student & French Studies major (’20)

For more information

If you’re interested in learning more about the Dijon study abroad program, contact program director Dr. Stephen Murphy at murphy@wfu.edu.

Summer Program in Tours, France

Options for lower-division and advanced French students

Participants in the Tours summer program hone their French language skills and experience the rich culture of the Touraine region of France. This two-tiered program welcomes both lower-division students and French Studies majors and minors. Any student who has completed elementary French – either FRH 111 and 112, or FRH 113 – is eligible to participate.

All students take language and culture courses with local instructors at the Institut de Touraine and a French course with the WFU faculty director, earning a total of 9 credit hours in this intensive 6-week program.

Lower-division students take FRH 212, which fulfills the WFU basic language requirement (FRH 212). The experience of studying in Tours has inspired some students to continue in French courses after the program, and even major or minor in French Studies!

Advanced students of French – those who have already completed the WFU basic requirement in a language – take FRH 216, which counts towards the major and minor in French Studies.

Stu­dents live with host families for a full cultural and linguistic immersion experience. Afternoon and weekend excursions to several villages and châteaux in the Loire Valley, Normandy, and Paris are a highlight of the program.

Tours courses for lower-division French students:

  • FRH 212: Exploring the French and Francophone World (fulfills the WFU basic requirement in a language) [3 credits]
  • FRH 520: Intensive Intermediate Language and Phonetics (counts towards graduation requirements; equivalent to FRH 153) [6 credits]
A large group of students posing in front of a sculpture in a garden in Tours

The program allowed me to fulfill academic requirements, explore another country and discover a different side of myself. Being a scholarship recipient myself, this was a once in a lifetime experience that I am so grateful for.

Donna Moseley, summer 2018 Tours program lower-division student
Old homes in Tours

Tours courses for advanced French students:

  • FRH 216: Studies in French and Francophone Literature and Culture (counts towards the major/minor) [3 credits]
  • FRH 500: Intensive Advanced Intermediate Language and Phonetics (counts towards the major/minor) [6 credits]

Studying abroad in Tours was one of the best experiences I had as an undergraduate at Wake Forest. I loved being immersed in the French environment with fellow classmates from Wake as well as with new friends from the Institut de Touraine. My French greatly improved throughout the summer with the Institute classes as well as the daily conversations with my host family we would have over dinner.

Alex Marban, summer 2019 Tours program advanced student & French Studies major (’21)

For more information

If you’re interested in learning more about the Tours study abroad program, contact summer 2025 faculty director Dr. Amanda Vincent at vincenas@wfu.edu.